Wednesday, 21 August 2013

My 7lbs loss with Clean 9

Have you ever heard of Clean 9? I hadn't either until my cousin posted it on her Facebook wall. Just like everyone I thought it would be too good to be true.

What is it?
Clean 9 is a 9 day plan whereby your body is gently cleansed of harmful chemicals and built up waste matter (quite gross but its not doing any good sitting there and you can lose 7lb just from shifting that build up!!)
The 1st 2 days require will power like any other diet! You only have whats provided in the pack, plus skimmed milk, and no food for the 1st 2 days, however, you do have a thick nutritious, filling, vanilla or chocolate shake - so it's not like you have nothing! The shake contains all the right balance of vitamins, minerals, carbs and proteins that you need to ensure that you are totally supported nutritionally throughout. The initial ‘cleanse’ is a result of drinking a small amount of pure Aloe Vera gel drink 3 times per day, which again is packed with over 78 nutrients naturally and allows the body to detoxify gently whilst cleaning your insides - promoting a healthy gut and regulating/boosting your metabolism.
During these first 2 days your body is forced to draw upon the stores of fat in your body for energy, thus resulting in weight loss and inch loss.
Days 3-9 are similar to days 1+2 but with the addition of a 600 calorie meal per day – which is actually quite a lot for one meal! You get a booklet containing lots of recipe/meal suggestions and a calorie counter to make it easy.
The plan also contains 2 supplements to help you cope. ‘Garcinia’, which helps to quell the appetite and reduce cravings so that you don't feel like you need to snack or binge. N.B The least common thing that people feel on Clean 9 is hunger!
The other supplement is Bee Pollen which is a nutritional super food in itself boasting a mega dose of vitamins and minerals to give you a boost. Bee pollen has been nick named 'legal speed' due to its super energy giving qualities!
(30 mins of exercise per day is recommended, even if it’s a walk!)
The plan enables you too safely lose around 7-14lb, although results vary from person to person!
It is endorsed by doctors as a sensible safe plan and is nutritionally sound thanks to it being developed by a nutritionist.

Day 1
Geeee I was so tired. My daily food consisted of Aloe Vera Gel which by the way was rank!! I was allowed one meal replacement shake for dinner and had about 3 litres of water. All in all not very much. After falling asleep at work, I thought it best that I get an early night.

Day 2
Woke up feeling a lot better. The Aloe Vera Gel was getting easier to drink, let's just say I didn't think I was going to bring it straight back up again. I must admit I did have to take myself to sleep for two hours at 2pm (luckily I had booked the day off work). I then hit a wall at 8pm and wanted food, badly. I managed to resist but had a bath and went to bed early knowing that day 3 means two meal replacement shakes and a 600 calorie dinner, amazing!!!

Day 3
Weigh in and measurement day. So far a total loss of 1.5 inches and 4lbs, which made me a very happy gal. Felt a lot better in myself knowing that I can have 2 shakes plus a meal :-) yippee, but still suffering with the headaches, not so good.

Day 4
Starting to find this easy. Energy levels are back to normal although a slight headache but just made sure I drank plenty of water, 3 litres to be exact.

Day 5
Much like day 4, finding this shiz easy now 

Day 6
Weigh in and measurement day. A further 2lbs and 0.5 inches GONE :-) 
Day 7 & 8
Again finding this detox programme enjoyable. When it approaches dinner time I'm looking forward to it without being starving. 

Day 9
Final day. My total loss was 7lbs (that's half a stone) and 3.5 inches. I am amazed. I have really enjoyed doing this detox and have surprisingly found it rather easy.

Who else has tried the Clean 9 diet and how did you find it? Did your results last? Would you recommend this detox?

One final note anyone intending on trying this or any other detox must consult their doctor 

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Girls that SQUAT

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So I'm still getting use to blogging. This month I've done the squat challenge. What I should have done was take a pic of my butt at the beginning and then again at the end, but I've only just thought about it, which I guess is lucky for you guys as you won't be seeing it YET. Although I have taken measurements. For anyone that doesn't know what the squat challenge is, see the pic below
I started off doing the first 2 weeks with a 2kg dumbbell weight in each hand and my god was it hard. The third week I moved up to the 4kg dumbbell and carried on with a 5kg dumbbell for week 4 and the rest of the challenge. 
Squats work on the hips, glutes, quads and hamstrings whilst strengthening the core. Therefore toning your legs and butt muscles. They also improve abdominal and back strength, burn calories from all the muscles involved and promote flexibility.
A few tips
  • Try not to extend your knees past your toes. If you’re doing the squats right, you should be sitting back with your ass out and back straight.
  • Don’t arch your back. The best way to make sure this doesn’t happen is to keep your head up when you squat, and KEEP YOUR ABS tight throughout the whole exercise (that’s right, squats will even work your abs).
  • Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, and point your toes slightly outward.

    Although I found the first couple of days hard work, it actually became fairly enjoyable over the month. I must admit it did make me break out into a sweat as well. I wouldn't say I have noticed a massive difference but it does show in my measurements. I have a total loss of 2 inches in measurements and 4lbs. So all in all, not too bad for my first month.

    How many of you have tried the squat challenge and what was your thoughts??

    01-Jul-13 31-Jul-13
    Waist 26.25 26
    Stomach 30 29.5
    Hips 32 32
    Bum 38.25 37.75
    Between Hips and Bum 35 35
    Under bust 29 29
    Left Thigh 23 22.75
    Right Thigh 23.25 22.75
    Weight 9st 9lbs 9st 5lbs